Here Comes the Sun
Posted on July 26 2016
When we started on this journey, we had a vision for Bijou. We were going to make "vintage" new and fresh, and use the most beautiful Italian mens shirting fabrics to do so. The plaids, the stripes, the beautiful chambrays and cottons...
One small issue - although Tammy and I do both love classic, clean lines and vintage silhouettes, we also share an affinity for bold graphics and design and a more edgy fashion sense. There was a certain edge and excitement missing for us in the "mens shirting" category, and in hindsight, from our first few releases.
Our early releases (like we are veterans now or something) were always beautiful, and well-made and classic and safe. We love vibrant colors, unexpected fabric choices, fresh prints, whimsy - and I think our pieces, as of late, are much more reflective of that and more true to our style. A lot of times Tammy's fabric "finds" drive my creativity and lead to fresh design ideas, she is REALLY good at her job. I don't know if our style really fits in a box-- I don't think either of us care too much about that, but what I do know, is we make a pretty damn good team and our venture outside the mens shirting industry is proving a good one.
I think over the course of the last few months, we have learned that the pieces we take risks on, the ones we say eff it, lets do it, WE LOVE it, end up being our favorite dresses, and, in all reality, your favorite pieces, too. I'm not saying it was a conscious decision or effort to change direction or the "feel" of Bijou, but more of an organic change that came naturally as we gained a little confidence and shook some of the self- doubt and desire to always make "pleasing" things for the people. When we are passionate about a fabric or a pattern, and trust our gut... I think it is evident in the finished garment.
Don't get me wrong, we still love the fine cottons and linens from afar, but I think we have definitely changed... found our groove if you will and have a clear sense of style and what we want to see in Bijou Sauvage garments. I hope we don't disappoint. I, personally, do what I do every day because I love the risks and challenges that come with trying to find ourselves in this industry.
"Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it." --Audrey Hepburn
I'm feeling a little reflective today and giddy and anxious for tonight's release. The Jude maxi is a pattern very near and dear to us. We have been working on this pattern for months, it has seen 3 different pattern makers, dozens of changes, and the end result...I think pretty amazing! These prints and fabrics are some of my favorite we have ever used. They are different for us. They are luxe. They are modern. They are fresh and a little funky and as far as I'm concerned, what you can come to expect from us gals at Bijou.
Here Comes the Sun...
Kris & Tammy
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