Happy Birthday America!
Posted on June 13 2016

It is with a heavy heart that I write this week's blog. I won't comment further on the tragic events of Orlando that our nation is still trying to understand, comprehend, and heal from - a children's fashion blog is hardly the place. Bijou is, and will continue, praying for the families and the victims effected by this heinous act of violence. We implore everyone to hug your loved ones, cherish today, be tolerant, love each other, and be grateful for this nation where we are free to live our lives by choice.
Whether you're planning a BBQ, a pool party, or getting together with your friends and family to watch a fabulous fireworks display, the Fourth of July is all about showing off your patriotic pride and being together with the ones you love the most. We love Independence Day, layering on the red, white and blue, celebrating our country, and honoring the men and women who gave us the Freedoms to be individuals, to be independent.
Our four dresses coming to you this release are all very unique and lend themselves to expressing that independent style! There is definitely something for everyone. The White Plains Maddox is classic Americana, the Yorkshire is playful and fun, that plaid on Bunker Hill - obsessed - and the beautiful red white and blue floral we used for Lexington -- from one of our favorite luxe fabric stores -- a no-brainer! (The Lexington is up there with the Pemberley in my books.)
This collection, named after famous Revolutionary battles, is one of our favorites to date. The patriotic palette of each dress is perfect for celebrating the good old U.S. of A. or any day of the year! We tried to take a less literal approach to the typical "holiday" offerings and we hope you love our fun twist on classic holiday colors with these comfy, casual and effortlessly stylish dresses.
We love the Maddox dresses as much as you guys do and are so happy to bring you this Bijou favorite in two beautiful prints. The second style coming this week is our new Maverick dress. I predict the Maverick dresses to give Maddox a run for their money in the casual comfy and chic department. The little mandarin collar and sleeve are modern, yet the silhouette feels so nostalgic and vintage - we are in LOVE!
We have faced hurdle after hurdle with getting this marketing campaign done and out to you guys. Between the challenges of summer and travel schedules and the need for an Ark here in Houston, we didn't know if it was ever going to happen!
Ana seriously delivered with these images. There's a certain quiet and stillness in the moments she captured that are simply breathtaking. I find myself wondering what daydreams the girls are chasing, wondering where they have been, imagining what adventures lie ahead and undoubtedly remembering the wonderful hot summer days I spent with my friends and family as a child -- those three blissful months when we slow down, run barefoot, and learn things we can't be taught in a classroom... Thank you Ana!
Please join us this week as we gear up to celebrate America, our Freedom, our beautiful children, summertime, and of course each of you! We will do a fun giveaway on our business page, and we also plan to donate a percentage of all proceeds from our Yorkshire Maverick to a charity that is very dear to us, Pets for Vets. This organization helps heal the emotional wounds of military veterans by pairing them with a shelter dog that is specially selected to match his or her personality -- a small way to offer a BIG thank you to our U.S. military veterans for their service! Stay tuned... and Happy Birthday America!
Jenn, Kris & Tammy
Photos courtesy of Analicia Herrmann Photography
Awesome car courtesy of my dear friend Billy "Bags" Lucas
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